Thanks to grading services here in the UK, it’s pretty easy to send your Pokemon cards to PSA.
However, what do you do if you want to send your cards to Beckett?
At first, it can seem a little seem a little complicated.
Therefore, in this article, I’m going to walk you through exactly how to do it!
But just quickly…
Why Send Your Pokemon Cards to Beckett, Instead of PSA
In my opinion, there are a couple of solid reasons why you should consider grading with Beckett over PSA…
Add Value to Your Cards
Firstly, Beckett have a more detailed graded scale. You have the option to include ‘subgrades’ on your card. These are:
- Centering
- Corners
- Edges
- Surface
Therefore, by elongating their graded scale, they’ve added additional layers of rarity to the cards.
Top graded Beckett cards (Pristine 10 or Black Label 10) command a higher premium over the more basic PSA 10.
So, if you believe you have a perfect card in your possession, you can potentially increase its value by submitting to Beckett, instead of PSA.
However, reader beware! This is a double-edged sword!
If your card comes back a Gem Mint 9.5 from Beckett, it’s probably worth more if it were a PSA 10.
My advice is to carefully inspect your cards based on the subgrade categories above, and honestly assess how likely it is to get top marks with Beckett.
My Recent Beckett Submission
As you can see below, I recently had an incredible pull from an original Japanese Base Set Deck from 1996.
To my astonishment, a Charizard had been sitting inside for 25 years! Honestly, this was one of my best ever discoveries!
But not only that, it’s in pristine condition:
- Amazing centering
- No whitening or edgewear
- No scratches or imperfections on the Holo
As such, I’ve submitted this to Beckett as I think it’s got a good chance of a Pristine 10 – and would be worth more than a PSA 10.
(I’ll update this post when it returns!)
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You Prefer to Aesthetics
Another reason to submit with Beckett is simply because of the design of their slabs!
They certainly look classy, especially the elusive Black Label cards. The black and gold design communicates the value of the card beautifully.
But anyway, if you’ve decided to submit with Beckett, so let’s discuss exactly how to do it…
How to Submit Your Pokemon Cards to Beckett
1. Create an Account
Firstly, head over to Beckett and create yourself an account.
2. Download Your Submission Form
Next, download the ‘Gaming Submission Form’ and print it.
3. What to Fill In
- Your name at the top. As you’re a new customer, you’ll be given an account number when they receive your order.
- The ‘Ship To’ Box – Your name, address, email.
- ‘Ship Via’ – select international shipping. Be aware, you’re going to have to pay to ship it back to the UK – unlike grading services here who incorporate shipping into their fees.
- Next, fill in your card details. One row per card. You’re also going to need to estimate the ‘declared value of your cards’. This is for insurance purposes. The fees are below:
- Next you’ll need to decide on the grading service you want. This includes whether you want subgrades or not, and how quickly you want your cards back. For the latest Beckett turnaround times, see here:
- Almost there… calculate your costs, add your payment details, sign and date!
And that’s it!
Package up your cards very safely and include your printed submission form inside.
Additional Resources
- For information on the best way to post your submission to the US, see here:
- And to understand what happens when your cards reach Beckett, see this great guide here:
Thanks for reading, I hope this article helps you feel more comfortable submitting to Beckett!