Anticipation is buzzing around the November 8th release of Surging Sparks, which is expected to be one of the most explosive TCG expansions we’ve seen in recent years.
Because we’re just as excited as you are, here’s a countdown of the top chase cards in Surging Sparks that we think make this set worth your attention.
7 – Alolan Exeggutor EX Special Art
The range of possibilities for card designs really opened up when regional variants of Pokémon were introduced back in Generation VII. It’s a variety that comes to full fruition here, with a card that depicts Alolan Exeggutor bouncing around its beach habitat.
The true beauty of the artwork lies in Exeggutor being bejewelled by the effects terastallization, giving its body a psychedelic appearance that matches the rainbow border of the card itself.
Like some other chases from this set, this design was a big hit in the recent Paradise Dragona set – which means it’s likely to be equally as popular this time around.
6 – Gold Pikachu EX
With a name like Surging Sparks, you knew the Pikachu’s in this set were going to epic!
It’s amazing to think that artists are still inventing fun designs for the original Pokémon after nearly 29 years of the TCG.
Well, they’ve done it again with this terrastallized Gold Pikachu. And as just one of six golden cards available, it’s got all the makings of yet another must-have.
5 – Special Illustration Milotic EX
For a Pokémon famed for its beauty, it’s fair to say that there’s not been many notable Milotic cards over the years. Finally, we now have an exception.
The half-and-half design of the artwork shows Milotic rising out from the greenish water below, which just happens to be the background for the set’s accompanying full art Feebas card.
Combo cards like this are becoming increasingly popular nowadays, but the increased rarity of Milotic will mean it’ll be in much higher demand than the less-majestic fish it evolves from.
4 – Special Illustration Hydreigon EX
Coming in at number 3 is an almighty terrastallized Hydreigon, trimmed with a rainbow border.
This artwork was created by Akira Egawa, the same artist responsible for designing the special illustration Charizard EX from Paldean Fates – which quickly became the top chase card from that set earlier this year.
The pseudo-legendary dragon has become a popular member of video game teams since it was introduced back in Generation V, and this is the best opportunity in years to add an equally powerful card version to your collection.
3 – Special Illustration Lisia’s Appeal
No chase list would be complete without a trainer full art, and the standout from Surging Sparks is surely Lisia’s Appeal.
Visually, the pink tones catch the eye compared to the darker artworks across the set, with Lisia’s Altaria flying behind her as she poses for an action shot.
We’re actually pretty sure this will be a big hit, because it’s already proven to be one of the most expensive pulls from September’s Japanese Paradise Dragona set.
2 – Pikachu EX Special Art
Just like Charizard, any special art Pikachu is destined to take centre stage in the eyes of collectors. And with three available in these packs, it would be rude not to include at least a couple in this countdown.
We’re tipping this version to be one of this expansion’s standouts because it’s currently the most in-demand card from Supercharged Breaker – the Japanese set that makes up half of Surging Sparks.
Needless to say, though, that you’re onto a winner if you pull any rare version of the franchise’s most famous character. So keep your fingers crossed when opening packs, if that’s even possible…
1 – Special Illustration Latias EX & Full Art Latios
Okay, we’re cheating a little bit here by combining these gorgeous Latias and Latios cards for the number 1 spot – but they’re just too nicely designed not to be seen together.
Of course, Latias will be harder (and pricier!) to acquire thanks to its rarity. But if you’re lucky enough to pull both, you’ll be rewarded by a beautiful connected artwork of the two legendary siblings soaring through the sky together.
In all honesty, this list could’ve been at least three times longer. There’s really something for everyone here, with an enticing selection of Pokémon and a wide variety of art styles available.
If Surging Sparks meets expectations, it’s certain to be one of the standout sets from the Scarlet and Violet era.