Find out the most valuable Pokémon cards in Chilling Reign. This page contains the latest prices to help you make informed decisions on the best cards to buy.

Best Pokémon cards in Chilling Reign

chilling-reign Galarian Slowking V swsh6-179
Current Value: £27.42£59.57
Current Value: $34.15$74.2

chilling-reign Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX swsh6-203
Current Value: £32.09£55.92
Current Value: $39.97$69.66

chilling-reign Galarian Rapidash V swsh6-168
Current Value: £32.75£76.26
Current Value: $40.80$95

chilling-reign Zeraora V swsh6-166
Current Value: £33.8£85.1
Current Value: $42.10$106

chilling-reign Galarian Zapdos V swsh6-174
Current Value: £35.75£99.14
Current Value: $44.53$123.5

chilling-reign Galarian Articuno V swsh6-170
Current Value: £37.17£89.91
Current Value: $46.30$112

chilling-reign Snorlax swsh6-224
Current Value: £48.16£115.8
Current Value: $59.99$144.25

chilling-reign Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX swsh6-205
Current Value: £55.11£91.72
Current Value: $68.65$114.25

chilling-reign Galarian Moltres V swsh6-177
Current Value: £104.35£263.72
Current Value: $129.99$328.5

chilling-reign Blaziken VMAX swsh6-201
Current Value: £209.78£354.49
Current Value: $261.32$441.57