aquapolis Lugia ecard2-149

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Card Details


Set Aquapolis
Card Number 149
HP 80
Supertype Pokémon
Types Colorless
Subtypes Basic
Retreat Cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless
Rarity Rare Secret
Artist Naoyo Kimura


  • Crystal Type
    Whenever you attach a Fire, Water, or Psychic basic Energy card from your hand to Lugia, Lugia’s type (color) becomes the same as that Energy card type until the end of the turn.

    Type: Poké-Body


  • Psychic
    This attack does 10 damage times the number of Energy cards attached to the Defending Pokémon.

    Damage: 10×

    Cost: Psychic, Fire

  • Steam Blast
    Discard an Energy card attached to Lugia.

    Damage: 50

    Cost: Water, Water, Fire, Colorless


Type Value
Psychic ×2

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