Card Details
Set | Dragon Frontiers |
Card Number | 97 |
HP | 110 |
Supertype | Pokémon |
Types | Lightning |
Subtypes | Basic, EX |
Rules | When Pokémon-ex has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards. |
Retreat Cost | Colorless, Colorless |
Rarity | Rare Holo EX |
Artist | Ryo Ueda |
Rage Aura
If you have more Prize cards left than your opponent, ignore all Colorless Energy necessary to use Rayquaza ex’s Special Circuit and Sky-high Claws attacks.Type: Poké-Body
Special Circuit
Choose 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon. This attack does 30 damage to the Pokémon. If you choose a Pokémon that has any Poké-Powers or Poké-Bodies, this attack does 50 damage instead. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)Cost: Lightning, Colorless
Sky-high Claws
Damage: 70
Cost: Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, Colorless
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